Skin - structure and functions


Human skin consists of 2 layers - the epidermis and the dermis. Under the skin there is a subcutaneous tissue (hypodermis).



πŸ‘‰ built with stratified squamous epithelium

πŸ‘‰ protects the body against external factors and water loss
πŸ‘‰ consists of the two layers: stratum corneum and the stratum germinativum
Stratum corneum
πŸ‘‰ it is hardened due to the deposition of keratin
πŸ‘‰ it peels off systematically
Stratum germinativum
πŸ‘‰ is capable of mitotic division and creates new cells πŸ‘‰ contains melanocytes that produce melanin - a pigment that protects the skin against the harmful effects of UV radiation and gives the skin color

The epidermis produces:
> hair
> nails
> sebaceous glands
> sweat glands
> mammary glands


πŸ‘‰ it is made of fibrous connective tissue
πŸ‘‰ it contains protein fibers that give the skin elasticity and resistance to mechanical damage
πŸ‘‰ it contains blood vessels -> can remove waste products and participate in thermoregulation
πŸ‘‰   it contains pain, pressure, touch, heat and cold receptors, that perceive stimuli from outside
πŸ‘‰ here are placed the products of the epidermis


πŸ‘‰ it is made of adipose tissue
πŸ‘‰ protects the body against heat loss (thermal insulation)
πŸ‘‰ protects against mechanical damage
πŸ‘‰ it is the body's energy reserve

What are the functions of the skin?

synthesizes vitamin D3 from a cholesterol derivative under the influence of UVB
receives stimuli from the environment (heat, cold, touch and pressure receptors)
excretes waste products of metabolism - water and urea (through the sweat glands)
protects the body against the harmful effects of external factors and against the loss of water from the body
regulates the body temperature
secretes sebum, sweat, milk (through the sebaceous, sweat and milk glands)


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